Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Illness and rest

I was in the doctor's office today, diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis. I was given a steroid shot, 3 prescriptions for an antibiotic, steroid pack and breathing treatments. Needless to say, I'm taking it easy today. This led me to search for a crochet project to begin and I came along this one - The Moorland Blanket - which actually begins this Friday! I went to Hobby Lobby and bought my yarn and should be able to make this blanket in about 8 weeks if I stick to the host's schedule. I'm going to try to create handmade gifts for everyone at Christmas so I better get moving now!

I've decided to ease into my exercise and change in eating plans. Exercise is on hold until my lungs are a bit clearer, so probably next week before I start swimming. This month, I'm going to work on less sugar & carbs and more water daily. I am not one who will succeed by going "cold turkey" with my change in eating. I figure there are 12 months in a year and I'm going to make total use of all of them! I would like to lose about 20 lbs., but would also be happy with a toned, strong body a few sizes smaller - however, the change appears, I will take it as long as it means I am in a better place than I am currently.

I am currently reading the 5th book in The Hangman's Daughter series by Oliver Potzsch called The Werewolf of Bamberg. I have truly enjoyed this series! I hope to read 2-3 books monthly. I have more than enough books on my shelves to keep me busy without adding any more to the library. Hopefully, the money saved will go towards a couple of projects needing to be done in our home. Plans are to get rid of the drop ceiling in the guest bathroom, update the fireplace covering it with stone or reclaimed barn wood and paint the house "greige" (grey/beige). There are also plans to update the landscaping along the front of the house as the rhododendrons have become overgrown and cannot be cut back without looking horrible!

I am looking forward to giving notice at my job this week and taking a break from working outside the home. I will then be focusing my efforts on our home, my health as well as my crafting and other interests. I've asked my mom to help me learn my sewing machine which I have had for many years and never learned how to use! I'm looking forward to taking care of me, for a change. Jim is totally for this and is actually encouraging me to take some time for myself this year. I'm kinda excited about it, too! It's great when you have support at home!

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