Saturday, December 31, 2016

Looking ahead

It is now less than 12 hours until the new year begins. 2016 was not a great year and I believe that 2017 can only go up. I haven't laid down all of my plans for the next 12 months, but I do know there are a few goals I hope to work towards:

- better health, including exercising and eating
- less time online
- more crafting
- no spending on things that I don't need
- more time spent with my kids while I have the chance
- a trip to France
- being a better homemaker

My biggest goal is achieve a better health status by the end of 2017. I am going to swim and walk for exercise. I want to learn yoga and meditation as well. We are starting our year with the Whole30 concept for eating and will follow that with a keto diet. I intend to be 100% gluten, dairy, sugar and nightshade free by mid-year.

Less time online means I will have time for more crafting, spending time with my kids and family and to be a better homemaker. I want to learn how to crochet well and hope to find a class that teaches me how to read the patterns. I have a goal of a 100% handmade Christmas in 2017 so I better get crackin' early!

Jim and I have a desire to visit France, and possibly Rome, sometime this year. This means no frivolous spending on books (plenty on my shelves to keep me reading for the year), no clothes (don't need anything - closet is full!), and no "stuff" just because it's on sale. I truly don't need anything. I love our new Aldi's and hope to work on lowering our grocery bill. We are cutting our TV off and using only Netflix and Amazon Prime for our TV shows. Money may get spent on craft supplies if needed and there is the possibility of needing clothes if the exercise/diet pays off. However, I will cross that bridge if I come to it.

So, lots of beneficial changes coming in 2017. It's going to be a challenging year, but I'm finally up to the task and looking forward to where I will be in 365 days!

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