Friday, January 6, 2017

The view from my window

We had a light snowfall this morning and this is the view from my kitchen window. I absolutely LOVE snow! I love to listen to it hit the ground. I love how it makes the world quieter. I also love how it feels under my feet when I'm walking through it and the joy it brings to my dogs as they run around in it! I cannot wait for there to be a good snowfall of 4-6 inches that covers the grass completely.

So many thoughts running through my head over the past few days. I quit my job yesterday and am glad I did. It was a distraction that I know will pull me away from my goals for myself this year. It feels great to not have to worry about when I will get called in and what I will be doing. It was a good decision!

I purchased three books by Maria Emmerich on ketogenic eating and looked through them last night. I cannot wait to get started with this lifestyle as it proposes so many positive things for me and the issues that I deal with on a daily basis. I know it won't be easy in the beginning, but the recipes in the books are easy and tasty. I have to source a few common ingredients before I begin, but I hope to start in February while I work to wean myself off of sugars this month. I have been working on only eating when I feel hungry and avoiding gluten as much as possible and I'm already feeling better plus have lost a couple of pounds. The meds helping me with my bronchitis have me feeling a bit sleepy, but I just nap when I feel like it and all is well.

This morning, I received my email for week 1 of the crochet-a-long (CAL) that I will be taking part in early this year. I hope to keep to the weekly projects and finish the blanket in about 8 weeks. I cannot wait to start on this blanket this week. I do believe that these colors are going to inspire the changes we want to make in our home. We already have some of these colors in our decor, but I love the addition of the purples! Yummy!

I am at a very happy point in my life. Our kids are doing well in school and work, Jim has job security and the chance for advancement in his company, and I am finally ready to focus on my health and do the hard work to make the changes needed to help me reach my goals. I can't ask much more than that at the end of the first week of 2017!

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