Wednesday, January 4, 2017

I love a new year!

I saw this today on Facebook and felt it described how I feel each year in January. I'm excited for this year and hope that big changes are in store for me. One thing I have already started is decluttering, mostly my clothing. I go through my closet twice year, usually March/April and again October/November and take out clothing that I haven't worn in a year. I try to pass the clothing to families in need, if at all possible. I have already gone through some drawers which I hadn't been into in a year and have a small pile started. I currently have some clothing in an extra closet and I want to get ALL of my clothes into my main bedroom closet.

Today is sort of a prep day. I'll be working on creating a grocery price book. Since I won't be working, it's time to make sure that I'm almost always paying the lowest price for an item. We have some great resources in town and I need to know what they sell and for how much. I don't mind a little extra driving if it means a big savings.

I will also be working on a daily checklist for making sure I'm eating well. I had an in-depth blood test done called an NMR Lipid Panel and the results weren't good. I'm in the worst category for "possible cardiac life event." I do not want to take statin meds for this as the side effects are horrible. I have some treatments to look into and I have bloodwork drawn every 6 months so I will be able to see if my ideas are helping.

I need to go through my crafting books and decide on gifts for all of my family members this year. That will be fun. My mom is going to teach me how to use my sewing machine finally. I really want to be able to create with it and it's been sitting on the shelf, never used! I am looking forward to deciding on the perfect gift for each person.

Finally, some cleaning needs to happen in the kitchen and bathrooms today! I have to admit that I'm not the best house cleaner, but I know I will get better since I'll be home more and won't be able to stand to look at the clutter or messiness. I like it when Jim comes home to a clean house and he likes it too!

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